The Amazing Blondel - Seascape

Strains of delight come greet my ears
Such music sweet can ease all fears,
As windy waves upon the shore
Do calm the cormorant by their roar.

Wistfully watching i wonder
As ships go out to sea,
At mariners yonder
And how their lives must be.
With oceans to wander coves of tranquillity
Oh none could be fonder
Of his sailors life than he.

Sights of beauty come soothe my eyes.
Paint pictures pure to flay disguise,
Unchartered coastlines to appraise.


Through foul or fair
All tempests you'll bear
Yet show not a care
For the danger you're in.
You leave all behind
Trade kin and your kind
For capstan to wind
And a yarn to spin.

Idyll of grandeur excite my mind,
Conjure up peace with adventure entwined;
Crystal clear fathoms and myriad wrecks,
Attired in booty arrayed on their decks.